I'm on my way back from lunch turning left across two southbound lanes on peachtree parkway behind another car also turning left into technology park at engineering drive.
The person in front of me pulls over to the curb and stops. I go around her and as I get to her door, she makes a fucking U-TURN INTO MY RIGHT FRONT!!!
We get out of the way, she gives me the "I'm not from around here" crud. I call the cops. They come, hear our story, except the lady tells the cop she was STOPPING--not stopped. big difference apparently.
Cop decides that he can't pick one over the other, so we have to notify our own insurance companies, and they'll deal with it.
Now, why in the name of all that is holy should I have to pay a penny when someone makes a U-turn INTO ME ACROSS TRAFFIC?? Is there a question here?
The part that is really annoying is that I had someone in the car who had a meeting, so she went back to work on foot. Calling with a "witness" now is gonna look bad. I'm gonna do it, but still....
Any chances I don't get hit paying my own deductible?
Oh yeah, it's a 6 month old trailblazer, so even the minor damage is gonna be 3 grand I'm sure.
(feel free to snicker amongst yourselves at my good fortune).