The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Friday, October 15, 2004
That's what I get....
Last night when we got home from the football game, we caught the end of survivor and took our usual visit from my nephew to recap the game and his part in it. As you may have read by now, it was a particularly proud recap this week, as he played very well.

Anywho...after Survivor ended, I flipped to ESPN to see that #12 Louisville was beating #3 Miami 17-3 in the second quarter. I looked at the wife and uttered words to the effect of "you know, if Miami loses, we can move up next week," followed by "I mean, if we win Saturday, since we can't look past that." I said not looking past it as I was clearly looking past it, then I shuddered thinking of what the athletic dorm was like with all of those players switching their focus from Arkansas to wishing for Miami to lose.

Louisville led 31-14 with just over six minutes left in the third quarter. They lost their QB after a bell-ringing late in the second quarter, and brought in a freshman, and the young man played great. The bottom line was that Louisville's defense got tired and couldn't make a play at the end.

On its final, soon to be game-winning drive, Brock Berlin threw a pass that hit a Louisville DB in the chest and fell to the ground. Had he held on, Louisville would have beaten the number three team in the country, on the road, on national TV.

But, thanks to me and my stupid comment, Louisville fell just short, losing 41-38.

God knows we'll lose to Arkansas now, so it will all be moot, but a boy can dream...

The Cardinals put a stranglehold on the NLCS by beating the Astros 6-4 using only home runs to score. The Cards are a hell of a team, and may be the only guys that can go into the Bronx and kick the Yankees asses. God I hope so. Another off-season of listening to anyone talk about their 27 titles would irritate me to no end.

Got my estimate for my car repairs yesterday too. $1,845. That's right. Nearly two grand because I dared to share the road with the functionally retarded.

Well, I hope her house closing falls through, she can't find a job, and has to go back to Florida from whence she came. That way, she can spend the next 30 years mistaking the gas pedal for the brake and terrorizing local open air market customers in the process.

Watch out, Floridians. You've been officially warned.