I had to go pick up my accident report from the Western Precinct of the Gwinnett County PD over by Jimmy Carter and I-85. I left at noon, got there at 12:15, only to find a closed for lunch sign on the door. A police precint within a mile of one of the five busiest intersections in metro Atlanta CLOSES FOR FUCKING LUNCH!?!?!?! Are you kidding me?
Anyway, I left there and went to taco bell for lunch and headed back to the cop shop. I was second in line making a left on a five lane road and getting in the near lane, which I learned in driver's education. The car in front of me got in the right lane after turning and then MADE A FREAKING U-TURN ACROSS THE FRONT OF ME JUST LIKE MY WRECK WEDNESDAY!!!! I nearly blacked out from all of the screaming and honking, but did avoid contact.
I regained my composure and made it to the precint, waited the last 10 minutes for it to open and got a copy of the report. By the way, you don't just get a copy of the incident report. You pay 25 cents per page. For copied paper. 25 cents. I wonder if it would be free if I brought my own paper in with me next time?
Something to remember here. My wreck was after I turned left into a divided 2 lane road that, after the median ended, had a turn lane for either direction (dotted yellow lines inside solid yellow lines).
The cop told me at the scene that, if the lady that hit me was still moving (which she wasn't) then I couldn't pass because I was crossing a double yellow line.
I thought my primary goal was to not hit other cars and that superceded a double yellow infraction, but I digress.
On the report, officer Dumbass writes:
Driver 1 (me) states vehicle 2 (her) pulled to the curb and stopped. Driver started to go around v2 and as he did, driver 2 made a u-turn and they collided.
Driver2 says she realized she was on the wrong street and she went to make a legal U-Turn, but as she did, driver1 passed her on the left on a one lane street with a solid yellow line between her lane and oncoming traffic.
So, two points here:
1) it was not a one lane street. There was a turn lane, making it a THREE LANE ROAD, and
b) when is it legal to make a u-turn across traffic with no signal?
and the bonus question:
If I crossed the yellow passing her, wasn't she about to cross the double yellow TWICE by making a u-turn across it?
By the way, this all happened about 75 feet short of the entrances to TWO parking lots, and the one on the right holds about A THOUSAND FREAKING CARS, so I am sure she could have executed her dumbass u-turn there without hitting my car.
I am waiting for deputy fife to return my call, but I am not optimistic.
Stay tuned...