The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Where's the closest place to buy toilet paper?
For the past several weeks and even months, we have been in discussions with various people about what to do for the Auburn - Georgia game. That is, where are we going to watch it? Who is going to watch it with us? What are we going to cook for during the game? You get the point...

Well, plans have changed several times. Initially, Todd and a bunch of the guys were going to Panama City for an all-male tennis weekend. Can you say homo-erotic adventures? Anyway, that trip got called off for him due to the recent inclement weather and its affects on his business.

Last Friday night, one of our neighbors (and a fellow Auburn-ite) suggested that rather than picking someone's house, we setup in the clubhouse with the 60-inch tv and the leather furniture.

DING-DING-DING-DING!! We have a winner.

So all week, I have been getting fired up and looking forward to our viewing party...until last night.

During the West Wing on NBC, the phone rings and it's a number I don't recognize. I nearly didn't answer it (but I did) and it was my neighbor Pete (the guy I mentioned above).

I mentioned Saturday's clubhouse festivities and Pete said "there's been a slight change in plans."

I was crushed. I have been looking forward to this game since last fall, and now everyone's bailing at the last minute.

Pete then said "I came across two tickets to the Auburn game Saturday. One of them's for me, and I was wondering if you wanted to go?"

Stunned silence, followed by "can I call you back in five minutes?"

Pete said "Sure, or tomorrow morning's fine."

I sprinted upstairs and stumbled over the story, followed by "honey, can I go?"

"Sure you can," said my lovely wife.

So now, instead of figuring out which TV to watch the biggest Auburn game in ten years on, I will be AT the biggest Auburn game in ten years and maybe longer. I haven't been back on campus since the 1994 Auburn-UGA game, and I'm very much looking forward to it.

Tomorrow, I will do my comparison of the two teams and my predictions for the weekend.

(By the way, the TP reference is regarding an Auburn Tradition you can read about here).

War Eagle everybody!!