The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Thank God
A federal judge has refused to order the re-insertion of Terry Schiavo's feeding tube.

Thank God.

I have been astounded and sickened by politicos turning this whole thing into an opportunity to pander and garner votes. The issues is that a 25 year old woman had an opinion on extraordinary measures to keep people alive in a vegetative state. She voiced those to her husband. No, she did not have a living will. Yes, she should have.

But the point is that once she was an adult and married, much that it pained them, it was none of her parent's business. And yet they fought against the wishes of their own daughter for 15 long and painful years, punishing a husband more than should be allowed considering he was already dealing with the loss and vegetative condition of his wife.

Yet, rather than do the right thing and honor Ms. Schiavo's wishes, the shrub and his fat-headed brother decided to enlist the Florida legislature's help to establish their "No vegetable left alone" policy, further punishing the victim and her husband.

However, in a shocking turn of events, Florida Federal Judge James Whittemore refused to order the re-insertion of the tube.

I am so glad that someone, ANYONE in this case, had the sense to not use this for personal gain but to do what is right for the victim.

I am frequently amazed that we can do the right thing for our pets by law to help end their suffering, but know it all assholes, radio and tv hosts and politicians can tell us it's not okay to help the people we love most in the same way.

Go figure.