The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Just so you know...
The little excitement we had Friday relating to my blog was apparently quite the ruse. It seems that my brother in law (allegedly) was involved with another party or parties in crafting the fake blog comment at the end of the March 21st entry.

It was all good for a laugh, and they knew I'd react the way I did, so that's fine too. The joke's on me.

I just hope I don't forget how to do and teach algebra in the next seven weeks. I'd hate for my nephew to have to repeat ninth grade because his dad and his dad's buddies couldn't come clean on a little harmless prank.

I await your reply with open arms and a quickly leaking math knowledge tank...
Blogger MomThatsNuts said...
HI! I found your blog on accident, you know that good ole "next blog" button, and I think your hysterical! Just wanted to say HI and I hope you dont mind if I peeked into your life for a minute, but then why would it be out there for all to see?? Your Canadian question was really funny, except I usually ask it about a man in his Ford truck...but I digress....


Blogger Ethel said...
I'm sad, because I never got to see your crazy response.

To make up for that, you must join me at the Waffle House. Is it Waffle House or THE Waffle House? I mean, there's more than one, right? Anyway, that is my demand thus far. I'll get back to you if I have more.