The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Friday, August 12, 2005
Here's a couple more haikus
Rather than creating a unique post for each and every haiku I come up with, I've decided to throw several into one post. (I know, and you're welcome).

Here are the topics:

1) Tony Little
2) Microwave popcorn
4) Label makers

Amazing Gazelle
Please don't yank my ponytail
I'm bald underneath.

Guess what I know, Orv?
I know it's not real butter
I won't tell a soul.

Bad boys. Bad boys. Twice.
Naked crackhead getting popped.
Watcha gonna do?

Whose stapler is this?
Is that a red Swingline there?
Label says Milton.
Blogger Ethel said...
Nice work...even if you didn't credit me. ;)

How about one about trampolines?

Blogger Ethel said...
Ha ha. You got spammed.