The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Is pride one of the seven deadly sins?
I forgot to post this the other day. Molly and the urchin were sitting at the kitchen table, and Molly asked the urchin if she wanted to write her name. Lauren replied "I don't know how." Wife answered "I'll tell you the letters and you write them." Mind you, there were no alphabet puzzles or anything nearby. She just asked her to draw the letters from memory. Anyway, here's what she came up with:

Yes, the A is upside down, but it's a damned good A. The U is HUGE, but that's a spacial thing. The R is funny, the E was fine until Lauren said "wait Mommy...I not done wif it yet", and the N turned out as an M, but come on! She's 3 years old.

Anyway, you can go back to work now...