This weekend was another HUGE milestone in Lauren's life.
As I have previously mentioned, we were having some fair to moderate difficulty getting Lauren to embrace the idea of sleeping in a regular bed and not in her crib. We had finally decided that this Sunday would be the day that we'd take the front off of the crib and slowly start making it less appealing.
However, Mee Mee (my wife's mom) came over Saturday to babysit the urchin and my 9 year old nephew, and she talked the urchin into sleeping in her big bed with the understanding that Mee Mee would sleep with her in her big girl bed.
Well, that never happened and Lauren slept until well after 7:30 yesterday morning.
Later Sunday, with my wife and mother-in-law distracting the urchin, the crib was disassembled, removed, and stored in the closet in the new nursery. In it's place we put a little tykes table and chairs and brought some tea party crap upstairs, along with her new Mrs. Potatohead.
She probably played in there for four hours yesterday. It was amazing. We went up to check on her once and she was just sitting on the bed, playing with Mrs. P., having a big time and enjoying her room. Can you say toybox full of crap upstairs now anyone?
1,000 thanks to Peggy and her efforts to help get the urchin transitioned to her new bed. It's possible her parents were more wierded out by the idea than the daughter.
Now, I have received emails about my recent haiku's, specifically what is the format and what are they specifically. defines a haiku as:
A Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons. A poem written in this form.
There. I don't write them about nature, but if you stick with the format, you can't go wrong.
Here's one for today about trampolines.
Ah, sweet stretched nylon.
If you don't break your femur,
we'll play break the egg.
And for my haiku request: Big Green Egg