A couple of observations from the weekend:
3 year olds, when tired, can get REALLY whiney. REALLY REALLY whiney. By comparison to other kids it's no big deal, but man, that's all relative.
Kids today don't have nearly the motivation that we had at their age. This weekend, my nephew's house got rolled, if you can call it that. They used about 3 rolls of toilet paper, and half of it was sort of rolled across the yard. No, they don't have big trees in the front yard, but they have copious shrubbery and a line of leland cypress' along one side of the driveway. Yet these midnight ne'er do wells didn't think to wrap them up as well.
When we were kids and rolled someone, we'd create a whiteout condition. We also did fun stuff like bunning folks' yards. (more on that later).
On the bright side for these vandals, it did rain several times throughout the night and morning, so the paper was nearly impossible to completely pick up by hand. Kudos I say.
I burned myself on my lawnmower because I am a dumbass. Oh, and because the manifold on a toro can apparently get to 800 degrees Kelvin in less than 20 seconds. My right right finger stuck to the damned thing. Later, my ever-charming brother in law mentioned that it would be funny if my blister had the letters T O H on it. That way, he'd know for sure that I put my finger right on the engraved warning that says H O T right on the fucking manifold.
School started for the nephews this week (the ones in elementary and high school). It's appropriately drizzly and shitty out. I love the first week or two when Nick is just overwhelmed by the fact that the bus comes at 6:20am and he's worn slap out.
Tony Stewart won the Allstate 400 from the Brickyard, and that was quite cool. I've spent two years shitting on him for being an asshole and driving like one, but he's recently moved home to Indiana and seems the better for it.
Rafael Palmeiro got busted for the same steroid Ben Johnson got caught using, and this just five months after wagging his finger at congress and saying that he had never taken steroids. I hope he gets convicted of perjury and jailed. Maybe his Viagra will come in handy in the big house.
***Potential boring alert*****
I don't jaw too much about politics. Ask anyone that knows me. If I do, it's to shit on folks like Cynthia McKinney, the Fulton County Sheriff, and asshole Duluth policemen that give ridiculous speeding tickets instead of doing any actual crime prevention in the shadow of the police station.
That said, the biggest news of the weekend, however, is that my Brother In Law's brother Adam bought me, my brother in law and about 10 other folks a book. It's by Neal Boortz and John Linder and it's called "The FairTax Book: Saying Goodbye to the Income Tax and the IRS."
Sounds boring, I know. But after five pages you realize how exhilerating it is to find out how you are being fucked over by our government. Do you realize that the 16th ammendment goes against the Bill of Rights? Do you realize that as of 2004, 52% of Americans paid 100% of the income tax, and that number is sliding every day? That means that pretty soon, the minority of the citizenry will be paying 100% of the income tax? Do you realize theat over $700 is spent preparing income tax returns for every $1000 paid in income tax? Does it not bother you that in a country based on freedoms like rights to privacy, religion and speech, the IRS can simply walk into your house (figuratively AND literally) and demand personal records, financial information, family wealth information, etc?
This is not a democrat or republican problem. It's a bipartisan fucking of the citizenry that goes against everything that this nation stands for and was built upon. Jimmy Carter was the first president to float the idea of taxing dividends and earnings straight away. Guess who the second was? The great communicator himself, Ronald Reagan. That's right folks. The guy your parents figuratively fellate at every turn was trying to tax their fucking investment dividends and earnings, and actually got it enacted until the public gave a collective "What the fuck is THAT?" and got it reversed.
Consider how different a consumption tax would be. Let's say it was 30% or roughly what gets taken from your paycheck now. You would take home 100% of what you earn and only be taxed when you chose to spend money. You'd still buy groceries and clothes and cars, etc., and be taxed accordingly and a similar amount.
However, you'd get to invest and save and make decisions about your future. How great would THAT be?
Another great benefit would be that all residents of this country, legal AND illegal, would pay taxes, which doesn't happen now. Illegals and day workers and folks that just flat choose not to pay taxes under the current system would now pay. No more moving here, getting paid in cash and not pitching in for your kids' educations, health care, etc. You may not be legal, but you're gonna pay to be here just like I do. Can you imagine how great that would be?
I have never been much for causes or people with causes. I see people with causes and think "what a freak" or "damned hippies," and usually figure them for zealots or crazies.
However, this is a cause that should be at the forefront of every citizen in this country. If you are at all concerned with your future, your children's future or your family's future, you need to read this book and get involved.
I will continue to comment as I read further. But you can expect to hear about this from me soon and often. This is my cause.
To order this book, click