The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Monday, August 22, 2005
They say that time flies...
and I have to agree. This morning, the wife drops the urchin off for her first day of pre-school. Here's a photo from the house:

My sweet urchin will now be attending Baptist Church's pre-school Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She will get Spanish, Art and Music classes along with some religion mixed in with them.

I hope she doesn't accidentally say her favorite number is 666 or something and freak them all out over there.

Drat. I just realized that another attempt at humor thru my child had been missed...

Good luck, sweetheart. I love you and I am very proud of you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Assuming that your daughter eventually learns how to read (unlike your wife) she will be quite proud of the language you have used in your blog.

Do you ever look in the mirror only to see the reflection of an idiot? You must be on drugs. Do you give ANY thought to what you post? I guess not...

You continually prove that others question your intelligence on a regular basis.

Day after day you continue to make numb skull posts. Again, consider keeping your mouth shut. Fewer will consider you a dunce.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Why did you delete your own post where you listed you name, address and telephone number?

Huh, dumbass?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Would any responsible parent post the name of his daughter's preschool on a blog? Come on!!??

Plus the days and hours of her attendance? A google search supplies the address as the #1 result...

I think that someone needs to limit your blogging. Never completed a course in logic, did you?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You really made a fool of yourself on the BGE Forum recently. No wonder you describe yourself as "catastrophically stupid", you moron.

Recognize that while not even
trying, you appear to many to fill the role of a clown. While you
attempt to help others, to most you are permanently
feeble-minded Many reply to your posts only in pity. Seriously, you are a complete imbecile. A total nit wit. Which of the Three Stooges your ancestors?