But State Farm, the like a good neighbor people, just did the insurance equivalent of shitting on my yard. They denied my claim against their insured. You know, the girl that left her lane at 75mph and hit my fucking car? Yeah, well they've decided that my claim should be against the mystery motorist from two lanes over that flinched.
I tried to explain to the very helpful woman that called to record my statement that what SHOULD happen is that State Farm should fix my car and THEY should go after the other person. After all, only one person involved in this deal maintained their lane and didn't strike another car, and that person was me.
Oh, and after Helen Nofuckinghelp denied my claim, I went home, explained it all to the wife, and then got a phone call. It was Timmy Notintheloop from State Farm calling to schedule a time to come by and get an estimate of the damage.
I told him that it seemed a little odd, since his shitty company had denied my claim about five hours earlier, but that he was more than welcome to come out and write some arbitrary figure on a piece of paper that represented what his shitty company was NOT going to pay to fix the damage caused to my vehicle by one of their insured parties.
I know it might not be totally Olga's fault, but I can tell you one thing, it's not my fault for sure. I am hiring an attorney to appeal this and I am going to stick this right up the Good Neighbor's ass.
Why? Because there is no way I'm paying one red fucking cent towards the repair of my car. Not one penny. I refuse to be victimized by a big company and a couple other knucklehead drivers.
I know State Farm's got some problems right now paying out for all the hurricane stuff, but that's not my problem. I didn't tell them to get into the insurance business.
The bottom line here is that they need to pay my claim. I will fight this. And I think there's a chance I'm beginning to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Wonder if they'd have to pay me if I was too traumatized to leave my home to go to work for a year or five?
Stay tuned. This is going to get better, or at least more fun.