The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Sunday, September 18, 2005
One thing I forgot...
I meant to include this in the last post, but I'll give it its own glory instead. Lauren drew a picture today:

I case it's not completely obvious, this photo (from left to right) is me, the wife, Lauren, a football, and the baby.

And she put the football in because that's what we were doing before she went to bed last night: throwing the football around the yard.

Sure, we're all head and legs, but I think it's pretty astounding, especially now that things are drawn in relative sizes.

My child is the smartest and most brilliant child to ever grace this planet with his or her presence.
Blogger Staci said...
Until I have an urchin of my own, I will concur that you have the most brilliant one. That is too cute!