The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
And now for something completely different
As some of you may know, I am friends with a number of other folks that blog out here in cyberspace. We met in various places, but mostly courtesy of teh internets. See, some folks talk on the phone and some folks have actual friends over to their homes, but I tend to do neither.

Anyway, I was talking to my friend Amy (not actually speaking to, but communicating via non-verbal electronic means) about doing some sort of wierd "Ask Me Anything" kind of interactive blog.

The premise is simple. So simple, in fact, that I am going to blatantly plagiarize Amy's blogged explanation:

I will answer questions left in the comment section of this entry.

There's no catch. If you ask something somehow inappropriate, or more importantly, not funny, I have the powers to delete said question. Insert evil laugh here.

Yes, you have to be a registered user to leave a comment on my blog. It doesn't really take that long to become a registered user. I figured it out, TML figured it out - how hard can it be, really? It prevents some of the spam. As does that stupid word verification thing. I apologize for that, but it seemed the only way to avoid spam in the comments.

Anyway, ask away. And remember, there are no stupid questions.

Only stupid people.

So that's the deal. Go to the comments, register, and ask me anything. I'll respond as quickly as time and a struggling potty training 3.5 year old daughter allow.
Blogger NineCats said...
Have you solved the potty training accidents yet?

Blogger Ethel said...
What color underwear am I wearing?

Blogger Staci said...
How many inches make up a football field, excluding end zones?