And I know there's a medical explanation for the syndrome we affectionately refer to as "mommy brain." All the blood the baby requires really has affected my wife's cognitive abilities. However, Wednesday night was the best example so far of how this problem is affecting our marriage.
The wife and I were laying in bed watching
"Cheap Seats" on ESPN Classic. If you don't know the show, it's a show similar to Mystery Science Theater 3000, except instead of old movies they show old sporting events like the 1987 World Series of Poker or the 1977 Superstars Competition or whatever. You know, the hosts talk over the broadcast, make funny remarks and whatnot and they also include pauses for funny graphics and some skit work. Anyway, here is a picture of the hosts:

As we are watching, I made some remark about them being twins, and the wife says "I didn't even know that they were related."
Now, After a good ten minutes of laughing...alot, we talked about it some more and I said, "Don't you think they look a little alike?"
She replied "But one of them has glasses and a beard."
I shot back "They both have different kinds of beards, but come on!! LOOK AT THEM!!"
Here's another photo:

Oh yeah, and their names are Jason and Randy Sklar. And they say that at the beginning of every episode, of which we've seen about 100 together.
I'll give her a pass on knowing they're twins, even though she's seen them on comedy central too. But you can't tell me there's one person who looks at either of these photos and doesn't say to themselves "Those guys are brothers."
I may be wrong on this, but I doubt it.
Anyway, the dumbening continues...
(p.s. While googling for a photo after writing this blog, THIS is what I found. I hope they don't think I plagiarized. Hell, maybe I can sue them for stealing my idea. Of course, this column is about seven months older than mine. Oh well...if you don't tell anyone then I won't either).