The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I am amazed at every baby, but mine is truly astounding. She is so peaceful and calm, and everyone that holds her mentions how soothing it is to hold her.

Sophia is devoid of any of the tension you normally get with newborns. It's like she is just a peaceful spirit and understands what we've all been through over the past month and more and that she needs to go along to get along or something.

Lauren, while very excited and with her dial turned up to a Spinal Tap like 11, is very gentle with her and around her.

Having a second child just seems fundamentally different than when we had our first one, and I can't quite put my finger on why.
Blogger Staci said...
Just got done catching up on your blogs. The fact that you & Molly are as sane as you seem to be speaks volumes. The month you two have had, well, I don't know how to describe it. I just wish you all the best! And I LOVE the name. Congratulations!

Blogger Ethel said...
She must be a very amazing little girl - what with her amazing mommy & daddy & big sister. :)

Blogger Tiny said...
Congrats on the newborn and best wishes for continued healing for you and your family.