I've got a bunch of stuff to write about when I get home on Sunday, but I haven't had time over the last day and a half. It's busier than you'd think laying around and planning for all of the things you don't need while you're in the hospital.
Until then I'd like to say thanks to my family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, Stalkers, Eggheads, THS'ers, and everyone else that's made this entire (very difficult) process as easy as it's been.
I also appreciate the kindness and generosity of relative and (all but) complete strangers. I would never have imagined that there were as many truly good people in the world as there are until experiencing this whole ordeal.
And a special thanks to the woman in the CT scan waiting room who was waiting for her husband's scan to finish. Her husband had gotten a kidney transplant ten years ago and that kidney was now failing. He is on the list for a new one, but you never know.
They also have a daughter that they care for at home that is in a coma due to blunt force trauma to the head. That daughter has been in a coma for 20 years.
And yet, in the face of all of that, while talking to me she said (on more than one occasion) that she'd pray for me. Not herself but me.
I'll say one for your family too, ma'am. God bless you and yours.