Since the wife and I are both recovering from surgery, we've decided that it would be easier to keep a bassinette (If that's spelled wrong then too bad. I was too tired to look it up) in our room for Sophia.
The funny thing is, she seems to be the first child I've encountered that didn't like being swaddled and did better as a free range baby.
Anyway, yesterday we discovered that she was even MORE content in her carseat (which is far lighter to carry than the bassinette) so we decided to try the carseat last night. And what a great night it would have been.
If not for the croupy urchin 1.0
The day the wife was coming home from the hospital, Lauren had a little cough. By Thursday night it was terrible. With an appointment already scheduled for urchin 2.0 on Friday morning, we decided to do the sick child add-on and take urchin 1.0 in for a little look over.
After about five seconds in the room with both kids, the doctor insisted that we move urchin 1.0 as far as possible from urchin 2.0 if we couldn't get her out of the room altogether. It seems that her symptems were similar to RSV. I don't know what that is, but apparently if a six day old gets it, then it's straight to the ER and a hospital stay for the baby.
Surprise. More drama at the TMLSB home.
So we've done our best to keep urchin 1.0 a safe distance from urchin 2.0 and so far, everything's fine. Luckily, we called our pediatrician on Tuesday morning and urchin 1.0 was immediately put on antibiotics which probably saved us from something far worse.
However, the short run is never easy.
While Sophia was eating like a champ and sleeping four hours at a time (which her parents were SO looking forward to), urchin 1.0 was up at 4:15am hacking and weezing and sneezing and coughing.
We had a nebulizer delivered Friday night and it's been a Godsend, but you can't explain the importance of a nebulizer to a 3.75 year old or her need to sit the fuck still for ten minutes so the medicine will work.
Anyway, when she starts hacking, she gets up and comes into our room. I got up and we headed down to her room where I'd setup the Nebulizer. She said "I have to potty," and she did. However, in returning from the potty she wasn't paying attention and slammed her forehead into the door frame.
So now here's me, a guy who isn't supposed to lift over 20 pounds, rushing to lift the not yet making any noise and about to let loose 33 pound urchin 1.0 who, once she starts crying, will start a coughing fit that will, in all likelihood, result in her doing the cough/choke/vomit down my back at best or doing the cough/choke/vomit in my face at worst.
Luckily, she's pretty tough. We got her calmed down and nebulized and the wife went back to bed with the obliviously slumbering carseat baby.
(One thing about nebulizing your kid. The trade-off is that, I believe, anything used to open airways and assist breathing medically is basically an amphetamine. This may not matter now, but remember it when you're trying to go to sleep next to your just nebulized child and you can't figure out what that high-pitched buzzing sound is.
It's them.
Anyway, all's good here. Two healthy girls would be better, but I shouldn't complain. This has been a walk in the park compared to last time.
Now, it's off to my bed for a little R&R while me-me takes care of urchin 1.0 and the wife watches urchin 2.0 sleep / stare at the Christmas tree.