Well, here's the deal.
I have at least a 70% blockage in the vein that feeds the front of my heart.
According to the doctor, there is no permanent damage to my heart.
I am 37 years old and, with the exception of this heart thing (shit, that sounds dumb), I am good to go and should lead a long healthy life.
I am being admitted to St. Joseph's hospital in Atlanta tomorrow morning at 6am.
I am supposed to be on a table by 8am and done by 9am. The only thing I'm fairly sure of is that the procedure shouldn't take more than an hour.
Oh, I'm also sure that I will be scared shitless and will have had my balls shaved.
If things go as planned and I have my stent(s) installed, I will be spending the night in the hospital and will be released Saturday morning complete with blood thinners and a plan for my beginning on the Atkins diet.
I know this procedure is common and is done by hundreds of doctors thousands of times a day.
I also know that while confident, I am also afraid.
I know that I love my wife, my daughter and my unborn child more than life itself.
I love my family and friends more than most of them know.
I know that I would take the pain I feel a hundred fold if I could keep any of them from feeling anything like it for one second.
I know that I will make the changes I need to make to live healthier, longer, and better for all of the people I've mentioned.
And finally, I want everyone to know that I appreciate all of their kind thoughts, well wishes, good karma sent as well as prayers offered.
I am a blessed man.