The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Sorry I haven't posted...
I have several blog ideas that I'm working on / creating / paring down / other stuff. However, my troubles are threefold:

1) I have so much stuff I want to get out that I don't know where to start. I am therefore creating multiple drafts to be worked on somewhat simultaneously that I should finish by Friday, November 16th.

2) My wife is about 71 weeks pregnant and, although I didn't forget about the baby during all of this, I did at some point lose perspective and a bit of touch with the reality and scope of the fact that all my wishing for the baby to wait until Thanksgiving, if met, would be fulfilled in another eight days.

3) I'm so fucking high and polluted by percocet that I can't keep stuff going long enough to finish thoughts.

And that's not to say that I'm abusing the stuff. By day two of being home, I had dropped my dosage from two every four hours to one pill every six hours, and then at 11pm I hit two again. However, there's residual layers of stupidity from anesthesia and pain meds that have rendered me...well, stupefyingly dumb.

(Just wait until I tell the butcher story later today)...

So, to sum up, I am alive, I am better now than I was six and twelve and twenty-four hours ago, and I am surprised and excited by said improvement.

I will be posting more soon and hopefully it will have been worth the wait.


Blogger Ethel said...
Good to see you, bud.

Blogger Staci said...
Looking forward to reading your future blogs. Glad you're home and 'somewhat' normal.