Most of you know but if you don't here's the deal:
Baby Sophia had seemingly been under the weather since around Monday or maybe Tuesday of this week. The wife took her to the pediatrician on Wednesday and he said it looked like a mild case of RSV but that we'd caught it early.
By last night, Sophia was a mess. Coughing, gagging, throwing up, etc., and she couldn't lay anywhere but on someone in an upright position.
Last night around 7pm, Molly and her sister took Sophia to Scottish Rite's ER here in Atlanta. She was having increasing trouble breathing and eating, to the point that she'd cough repeatedly, gag a bunch, then throw up what she'd eaten. She also has been incosolable and unable to sleep for more than short periods and only if she was laying chest to chest with one of us.
She was diagnosed with RSV and some respiratory something yesterday and they said if she wasn't better by friday, to bring her back. In seeing that she was not only not better but was in fact much worse, we skipped the wait one more night step and made the move.
I think we did the right thing in that they x-rayed her lungs and there is no pneumonia, which is very good. We are nebulizing her every 4 hours (prior to feedings) which has helped a lot. I am hoping she's turning a very soft corner.
I have, for some reason, nearly ceased my recovery. I've currently got a blown left eardrum, infected left ear and left sinus, and a cough that would make someone not married to me kill me when I wasn't looking. The cough feels similar to the one I had before having the half gallon of fluid drained from my chest last Saturday, which is both scary and quite possibly a relief. For if it is fluid, at least I know that can be fixed in about two hours time.
I only hope that if it is fluid, they don't decide to go back in and poke around again to see what it is or from where it is coming. That's the double edged sword of medicine. They can fix you if they know what it is, but sometimes, YOU don't want to know what it is.
Now, to answer a question from one of my readers, ATB. He writes:
If Auburn goes down to Orlando to play in the Capital One Bowl, but nobody is around to actually watch it, does it really happen, (or matter), afterall?
Well atb, that can't happen. Because both Auburn and Wisconsin travel well, and by all accounts this Auburn team finished the season as one of the 8 or so best teams in the country. I suspect the answer would be different around Camp Randall however. I'm betting that Auburn's gonna put the wood to the Badgers and send Barry off in a way that he might not like.
Look for Tuberville to unleash the hounds that day, my friend.
That's all for now. Hopefully things will quiet down here and improve here enough over the next few days that I'll have some more to write and the time to write it.