The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Monday, December 19, 2005
Monday Monday
Just wanted to drop a quick post on you beyotches and let you know what's up at the TMLSB hizzouse.

For the first time in seemingly a decade, no one is sick, injured, frail, infirm, or even all that grumpy at my house.

Okay, that's not true. Lauren's grumpy, but that's just because she can't seem to catch up on her sleep or she needs more than she's prepar fred to get from night to night. She slept for 13 hours last night, and the first words out of her mouth this morning were "I'm just tired."


Sophia is doing better at night, even sleeping a four and three hour stretch in her basonnet thingy and NOT on me or the wife. The cough's all but gone and she's eating great. Now we can start working on trying to find out why it is that her bowel movements are so putridly offensive.

Really. I've been around a few children in diapers and a few stinky adults, and there are simply not ample words in the English language to describe the Category 5 foulness that this sweet creature produces nearly every time she straightens a leg.

On the fluid news front, it appears that a week after my last thorocentesis, I have not accumulated any more fluid in that area. That means no more cold symptoms, shortness of breath, and most importantly it appears that I am leaving that nagging "I've got no energy" thing behind me. Yesterday I even walked two miles in 30 minutes. No, it's not much compared to Roger Bannister and his four minute miles, but I'm a fat post-cardiac surgery suburban guy who has exercised less in his life than entire casts of "The Biggest Loser."

Yet as I type this, I am down 35 pounds and a steady 215 pounds, which as I've mentioned before, hasn't been on a drivers license of mine since I was a registered voter in the land of Howell Heflin and Bobby Lowder.

I hope this post finds you all well as we close in on the 2005 Holiday. I'd say Christmas but that's apparently an offensive term now, whether it be applied to sales at malls, parties in the workplace or even commercials from my local news providers.

Oh, and one final note. Is it wrong to start a Benadryl IV now on urchin 1.0 so she'll shut the hell up about Christmas and Santa? I mean, we sat last night for about 90 minutes and my brother in law estimated that she spoke over 1,000 words in that time without so much as pausing to gather her thoughts or even to pick her nose. She just vomits words over and over again for what seems like forever. It's sweet, but by 7pm it can be a tick much for mortal parents of her and a one month old to take.

Which reminds me, urchin 2.0 is a month old today. The wife and I were shocked at that realization Saturday afternoon. The last six weeks have been so eventful/fortuitous/shitty that we actually made it thru the first month of Sophia's life and barely noticed.

Is that even possible? I mean, with urchin 1.0, we were counting seconds, minutes, hours and days, and this one rolls in and an entire month goes by and we barely noticed that the page on the calendar had turned.

Anyway, I'll be posting some photos soon of both my surgery stuff and of the kids. In the meantime, feel free to click on this link to see some urchin 2.0 photos:

cuteness all over the place

Peace out, peeps.
Blogger Tiny said...
Glad to hear it is calming down in your household, and that everybody is again (finally) healthy.

In case I don't get a chance before the weekend, here's wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas, and I don't give a damn if anybody has a problem with that.

Blogger Taz said...
Glad to hear that the only 'ailment' at your house is grumpiness.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for sharing your family's stories with us.

Blogger Ethel said...
She's so stinkin' cute. Stinkin' - get it? ;)

I'm disappointed that you did not flash me any scars when I visited. What's up with that?