Well folks, the impossible has happened. I ordered a treadmill. And not to hang my clothes on either. I am committed to my new lifestyle that is to include a better diet and more exercise. Well, to be fair, the change is that it will now include exercise period, where as my old sedentary life did not.
Anyway, we ordered the Pro-Form XP 550s from Sears. Also, after doing much research, we decided to buy the warranty as well, simply because it includes two maintenance visits per year and everything fixed from stem to stern, no questions asked, for five years. That, my friends, is one hell of a warranty.
Anyway, I meant to include a picture of the treadmill and one with me on it, but I couldn't since the wife was cooking chicken and doing everything else it takes to keep this household running whilst I whittle away the time on the treadmill.
I will include some pictures soon though, I promise.
I also found that, with some concentration, I am able to play Madden 2006 on the X-box while walking, and I'm pretty sure I can play World Series of Poker too as well as NASCAR 2006. That kicks total ass.
(I did nearly fall off once playing football, but I concentrated a lot harder after that).
Anyway, here are my results from day 1:
time - 65 minutes (including five minute cool-down)
distance - 3.25 miles
angle - 6.0 degrees
carbs burned - 65
calories burned - 522
I feel great. I hope I sleep great and can get out of bed tomorrow, but I look forward to doing it again tomorrow night, and maybe I'll finally watch the 2005 Auburn-Georgia game on DVD while I'm doing it.
Come back soon now, ya hear?