The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Friday, January 06, 2006
It's Friday!!
So, in an effort to keep fresh content out here, I've decided to do my best to get something on here every day. Even if it's nothing more than a little blur or snippet or something meaningless like that. (As if to say the rest of my blog entries are meaningful. Sheesh).

Since getting her four shots on Tuesday morning, nights with urchin 2.0 have been tough. Not 3am tough, but she's been pretty inconsolable and squally from about 6pm until much MUCH later for a few days. That inconsolable period has grown shorter each day and since the pediatrician told us that it could take a few days for her to be right, I'm trying to be patient.

And it's not like it's happening from midnight to 5am. But it's certainly tough to come home at around 5pm and have that business start almost immediately and run until 10pm, 11pm, and even later.

I've told people we have had only about three bad days so far with her, but that number's doubled this week.

The good news is that last night, I finally got her fed and to sleep around 9:15 or 9:30. so the wife and I could more or less enjoy "My Name Is Earl," "The Office," and our first viewing of "E.R." in about three or four years. As the wife said, it's nice to just be awake with only your spouse for an hour or two. Good call, babe.

And once she's asleep for the night, it's pretty smooth sailing. She'll go anywhere between three and four and a half hours between feedings, and she's very good about getting back to sleep, which is nice. I only wish it didn't take up to 30 minutes to burp her.

Sophia's Christening is tomorrow at 11:30am at the church where we were joined in holy matrimony (cough). It was supposed to be at 11am but the church secretary called me one day a few weeks ago and asked if we could move it to help them accomodate a funeral. Of course I said yes. I mean, how would you say no to that? I could see getting hit by a car in the shower immediately afterwards if you did. A kharmic fool I am not.

As I've said, I'm hopeful that we'll get some decent family pictures tomorrow since we'll all be dressed nice and hopefully in a good mood.

See, we're having the first full family get together since probably our wedding in 1992. And by full family I mean her mom, her dad and step-mom. my dad and step-mom and my mom and step-dad.

Now, you'd think that after a combined 50 years had passed since their collective divorces that things would be pretty smooth and easy going by now, but that is simply not the case. There is still tension like you wouldn't believe and I'm simply hoping that everyone puts on their "Fantasy Island" fake smiles and tries to get along for a few hours.

Either that or I hope one of them volunteers to take care of urchin 2.0 for the night, because I'll be busy moving into Ripped City.

This morning I weighed in at 212.5 which is a good thing. The weight loss has stalled a bit right now, but it's stayed where it is (within 2 pounds anyway) for nearly a month, which is a good thing. I continue to eat less and better, which is to say that I probably eat about like a chunky college freshman girl. I still eat some marginal stuff, but I'm trying which counts for something.

I did realize one thing last night at dinner. I have read many nutritional related things recently and when I see things that say "4 ounces of beef" or "six to eight ounces of chicken" I think to myself "who on earth is going to get filled up by THAT?"

Well, I pulled out the trusty kitchen scale last night and realized that I don't think I could eat six to eight ounces of chicken at dinner anymore. At least not with a salad and a side of some sort. I ate about five ounces of chicken last night with about 3 bites rice and a small salad and I was stuffed. This from a guy who as recently as a year ago thought that three full-sized bagels with ham, egg and cheese were one person's breakfast...

I watched the new "Must See TV" lineup on NBC last night, and I have to say I enjoyed it. Will and Grace is always funny, as is My Name Is Earl and on most nights, The Office. The new show Four Kings made me laugh several times, including an out loud while alone in the room laugh when one character referred to Seth Green's character as "Three feet of angry."

The premise for the first show was hideously predictable though. Four friends living in New York on their own when the rich guy's grandma dies and leaves him her kick ass apartment.

(Sound familiar to any other show that used to be on NBC on Thursday nights at 8pm? That's how Monica got HER kickass apartent, in case you didn't know).

Anyway, here's to hoping that Sophia turns the corner and goes back to her relaxed self tonight and that the NFL playoff games are entertaining this weekend. And here's also to hoping that 44 days can go by quickly and we can get race season started again at Daytona.

And one final thought. I can't wait to hear the shitting things people like me will say about Pat Robertson when HE'S in critical condition or at death's door. Of course, since Lucifer himself will be at old Pat's bedside when his moment arrives, I think he'll get his in spades too. (Man of God my ass).

That is all, people. Happy end of my first nearly full week back at work. And don't worry. If something fun happens, I'll be sure to write about it here...
Blogger NineCats said...
Pictures, pictures and more pictures!

I've heard that Ethel is one heck of a Photographer... I think her work speaks for itself!