It's been a rough weekend. Urchin 2.0 had been out of sorts for a couple of days, but it came to a head Saturday night and yesterday (with her screaming off and on and not eating right) from about 2pm Saturday until about 8pm last night. She got fed at 9pm (finally ate the whole bottle) and then didn't get up to eat again until around 3am, which was awesome.
I'm also having trouble with urchin 1.0 obeying me (or anyone) and it's making me insane. I think today's the day we start the "Since you understand me, every time you don't obey me on the first try, you're going to spend time in timeout/sitting on the steps/sitting in the dining room/something.
The good news is that our treadmill should get delivered today, and that means evening workouts that can help burn off a little frustration. I'm looking forward to putting in some old races or football games, listening to my iPod and just wearing that fucking track out.
I violated Clark Howard's number one consumer rule by buying the five year extended warranty on the treadmill. However, after consulting many MANY people, I found that in this case, it was the thing to do.
Under this warranty, they come out twice a year to fully service the unit. Also, if anything (anything at all) breaks or stops working, they will come out and fix it or replace it for five years. Anything. That means from cupholder to motor.
The football games were surprisingly entertaining this weekend. I enjoyed the Steelers game immensely, if only because it looked like Cowher had blown it. At least that was the case right up until the network flashed Vanderjaggoff's "never missed this year at home" stat. Then I knew he was screwed.
And the other funny thing was that, with about 4 minutes to go, my brother in law and nephew walked in and immediately said that this game was too good, and we should be sorry that we were going to screw it up.
See, we've watched some great games at my house this year, and we have screwed the team we actually wanted to win in all cases. We were on the USC-Michigan State game, then the USC-Notre Dame game, then the Division I-AA game with Grand Prairie (I believe) and finally yesterday. It seems like we pick games and they suddenly turn into classics / cock punch games. I've actually grown to look forward to which game / team is going to have it's heart ripped out since we decided to watch them play.
It's now down to 34 days until the Daytona 500, which means it's only 27 days until pole day. I cannot wait for race season to start again.
My friend the madsapper decided to try making pizza on his Big Green Egg this weekend and had great results. He did learn one thing, however.
If you've made burgers / salmon / something else that's strong flavored and / or produces a lot of drippings, you ought to burn the lump load long enough to get that stuff burned off. Otherwise, your pizza is gonna taste like hamburger. : )
I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that I finally got my iPod organized (more or less).
See, the trouble with having over 17,000 songs and over 90GB of music is that, unless you are planning to carry multiple iPods, you have to work at managing the music.
So what I did differently this time as opposed to every other time is this. Before, I would start with the entire 17,000 song library and uncheck what I didn't want. Trouble is, it's always tougher to find what to remove than it is to add things.
This time, I put all the music in a folder called "Stuff I don't want on my iPod." Then, with two explorer windows open, I started dragging the stuff I DID want back into my music folder, artist by artist. And I did that for a while.
Once I got to a point that felt pretty good, I stopped plugged in the old device and let it go.
When I returned, I had 59 point something gig of music and photos. Without checking I'd filled it to within 310mb of capacity.
Oh, and I completed the era Challenge level on Tiger Woods 2006 this weekend, meaning it was time to break out the Madden 2006 that I got for Christmas.
That's about it for now. Stay tuned for more exciting bloggage in the hours and days to come...