The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
We are POTY candidates
In case you're out of the loop, that stands for Parents Of The Year, and man do we deserve it.

If you've been keeping track, we've been having a little trouble with urchin 2.0 in that she's been crying and inconsolable when we pick her up and she's been restless, fitful and downright upset at night, making sleep for the three of us impossible. She's also not been eating right for her either.

So after a few days of this, the wife decided to take the urchin to the doctor, which happened yesterday.

First of all, our two month old weighs just a tick under 13 pounds. I think urchin 1.0 didn't hit that mark until she was about four or so months old, so I expect this one to be holding her own by about 18 months.

Anyway, the doctor said that her not eating right was the result of her just getting over some sort of bug or ailment.

(Translation: I don't have any freaking idea. I'm a pediatric doctor and myself and the geriatric doctors do more guessing and lying than any other doctors on the planet).

Then she said that she detected a very slight heart murmer in one chamber, which is the same thing my wife was born with, so that didn't surprise or shock anyone.

We were then told why Sophia was crying when we picked her up every time. It seems that in doing so, we were causing her shoulder(s) to slip out of the socket just a bit, effectively causing a mild dislocation. And I say that as the guy that laughs when anyone says "Mild heart attack."

So it was nice to hear that we were causing extreme physical pain to our two month old. You want that. Of course, they say she won't remember it, but I fully expect to be awakened by a heavy bowl or MagLite to the forehead in about two years, and then you'll never be able to convince me that she forgot.

She slept better the two nights prior to last night anyway, so I suspected that she was recovering from something. Last night she got fed around 11pm or so, and then was fitful and restless and noisy until around 1am, and I decided to feed her again, and she took the whole four ounces. She then proceeded to sleep until 5:30am, so I guess she's feeling better.

We'd just prefer that she feel better around 9pm instead of waiting until after midnight.

Hope you're all doing well this morning. Talk to you soon.

Peace out!!
Blogger NineCats said...
(Translation: I don't have any freaking idea. I'm a pediatric doctor and myself and the geriatric doctors do more guessing and lying than any other doctors on the planet).

Actually Todd unlike you at your job, doctors (and lawyers) PRACTICE medicine (or law)! While most are good at it, some just need MORE practice... :-)