Well, I figured it was time to post some pictures. We are taking a decent amount, but we haven't posted much and I don't know why. Here's one of Sophia demonstrating her version of sucking her thumb. It is unreliable and provides her no comfort, but it looks cute...
Here is Sophia taking a bath. Isn't it funny how in today's society we're so puritanical that my wife actually covered up our baby in the bath just to be safe?
Here aare Lauren and her cousin Max doing something that I'm sure was noisy, but nonetheless fun and hilarious to witness.
Here's me on my new treadmill. This was last night when I was a cagey veteran and was not yet feeling any numbness or tingling in my left arm. (Just kidding everyone. I'm fine).
And here's me giving the obligatory "Kurt Cashion Face" while on the treadmill.