The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Like Journey used to say
Yesterday was a good day...

After a week of wrangling, hand wringing, swearing, barking at the moon, migraine headaches, poor sleep, and a general crabbiness right beneath the surface, we finally won our battle of car payment chicken.

The best part was when the HSD (head sales dick for those of you that haven't back-read yet) handed the wife and I each a business card (his obviously) and then headed out to talk with "The Cliche."

The wife then held the card down in the general direction of urchin 2.0's poop chute and said "here baby...crap on this, would ya?"

And the second after she said that, Sophia was making fists, turning red in the face and making that "it's really time to grunt one out" face. She dropped a beauty, and we actually discussed and searched openly for the perfect place to hid said turd catcher in this dude's office so it wouldn't be found for a few hours or days.

We then (obviously) won and went home with our new, old, new car, much to the delight of the wife. She was also delighted that we didn't have to explain to 2.0 why we didn't have on-board movie viewing capabilities anymore. Hooray.

When we got home, it was a little late to think about starting dinner, so we (at least Lauren and I) got our favorite dinners in a hurry:

She got re-heated spaghetti using Heather's famous and delicious butter noodle recipe.
(By the way, it's spaghetti in a bowl with a chunk of butter heated about 45 seconds to hot and then slather with parmesian cheese. I liken it to white trash Alfredo sauce. And you might say that's too much butter for a child not yet four years old, but considering she ate so much butter earlier that day that it was all in her hair, I think she'll be okay).

I got Stouffer's Creamed Chipped Beef over toasted white bread. YUMMY!!! My mom lives near (or near enough to shop at) the Stouffer outlet in North Cackalackee, and they brought us a case of it. A CASE!! She also brought two cases of some lean cuisines that were about six bucks a case. How great is that?!?!

Molly got creamed chipped beef too, but didn't feel like it, so she heated some noodles and threw on some jarred Alfredo and sun dried tomato sauce. Yummy too. Of course, Lauren ate all of hers and wanted some of mommy's so she ate that too. What an appetite that child has for pasta.

Then it was upstairs for 1.0's bath and bed, and then a feeding for 2.0 (which has been a challenge recently). I got her to eat five ounces and then she was asleep on our bed while I finished my workout (4.01 miles in 68 minutes), and when I came out, Sophia was asleep in her crib. Not a first, but it was hoped that it was to be the first night she slept the entire night in her crib.

She slept until the 3am feeding which I took. No muss, no fuss, five ounces in 15 minutes and back to sleep until 6:30am for a quick feed of three ounces and back to sleep immediately. It seems that whatever has been bothering her recently may have passed. HOORAY!!

(and don't be all judgemental asking "hey, isn't she three months old? Why is she still sleeping in your room?" The fact is that it makes no difference until they're about five months old. She sleeps in a bassinette thingy and not with us, so it's pretty much the same. We didn't do that out of some wierd "I want her near me" vibe, but simply because it was easier during our recoveries and then at night all the way around).

Hell. Judge us. I don't care. We'll raise our lump how we see fit.

Have a good Thursday everyone!!
Blogger NineCats said...
quote - "Hell. Judge us. I don't care. We'll raise our lump how we see fit."

How doesn't matter much to me. The fact that you are BOTH there to raise them, that's the BEST part!