Never underestimate a good sense of humor.
Last night, for no particular reason, I was sitting in the la-z-boy, holding the baby and watching the women's gold medal curling match between Sweden and Switzerland.
Well, I wasn't holding the baby for no reason. I was watching women's curling for no reason. I was holding the baby because she was fussy for a few minutes.
Anyway, I'm watching, and if you've seen it, you know that once the stone-pushing player lets go of the stone, either that person or the person at the other end of the shuffleboard court starts yelling and screaming "SWEEP!" or "SWEEP LEFT!!" or "SWEEP RIGHT!!" or "FASTER!!" or "SLOWER!!!" or "MAN, YOU'VE GOT A GREAT RACK!!"
Alright, I made the last one up. But the rest is true and it's entertaining.
Unless you're watching the Swedes and the Swiss. Because I don't speak German or Swedish, so I have no idea what they're yelling about at all.
After about 15 minutes of this, my wife walks into the den like she's coming to check on the baby, and proceeds to scream "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!"
Then she said "They were shouting nonsense, so I figured I should too." She then laughed and headed for the kitchen.
You need that kind of funny in your life. Or at least I do...