The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Monday, February 27, 2006
Tell me why I don't like Mondays
I'm not having a bad day or anything. It just seems easy to grab a song with Monday in the title when I post on Mondays.

The lowlight of the weekend may very well have led to the hilight of the weekend for me and the wife.

Saturday was easily urchin 2.0's worst day so far since she's been ex-utero. She got up at 5am to eat, slept again until 8am and then cried for about 3 hours. She wouldn't sleep beyond catnaps, and except for a 20 and a 35 minute snooze, they were all of the five minute variety.

When she finally stopped crying and fussing and went to sleep at 10pm, she stayed that way until around 7am Sunday. Then she was happy as a clam and chatting away for over an hour. Then it was back to sleep for a while, which is great too.

Last night she went down around nine or so, got up at 5am to eat and then was back to sleep until 7:30am!! That's two consecutive days of basically sleeping thru the night, and for a long stretch too. HOORAY!!

No ninja visits this weekend, although 1.0 did come in at 6am or so yesterday, so I just told her to come into bed with us. I did laugh because she weren't wearing no drawers. It seems that she gets annoyed by her pullup at night now if it's a little wet, and she'll put a new one on herself.

Except this time she didn't put a new one on, so we had a very small in-bed accident and a child sleeping in the buff.


Yesterday was a good day too. We hosted a joint birthday venture for the SIL, the BIL and his sister too. We had around 20 people there and we had a nice spread, complete with the best pork loins ever prepared, at least by me.

If you want the recipe, just email me. I'll be happy to give it to you.

This week's racing update:

Friday night there was a boring-ass truck race at California which was won by Mark Martin. That's his second win in two races.

Saturday there was a Busch race at California, and Greg Biffle won. (Another Roush car).

Oh, and yesterday's Cup race sucked ass. I've had afternoon dumps that were more exciting. There was no real racing to speak of, and one car ran away and stunk up the show until his car broke, but luckily his teammate was there to pickup the win.

That's two Cup races and only Hendrick or Roush cars have won. Again. Hooray for the huge teams and NASCAR tolerating a felon owning a franchise. Does this happen in any other sport?

Blech again. I can't wait until spring. Maybe then I'll have an excuse to get outside and stop watching racing altogether.

Nah. That won't happen. But I might watch much less and maybe only the first 50 laps / minutes and the last 50 laps / minutes.

Don't believe me? We'll see soon enough...
Blogger Staci said...
Jack Roush is a felon? I didn't know that.......:finger: ;-)