And if you haven't read the prior post, that stands for Head Sales Dick.
Now it seems that our old car HAS been sold. So it also seems that the keys AND pewter Trailblazer that they were willing to hand to me and had a written contract for LAST FUCKING NIGHT was NOT the same 2004 Pewter Trailblazer with 13,000 miles on it.
So let me ask you, what on earth were they going to do when we signed the contracts, accepted the higher payment and then discovered that what they had given to me WAS NOT MY CAR?!?!?!?!?
Anyway, after the wife involved GMAC corporate AND the general manager of XXXXXX Chevrolet dealership, the HSD has called me and wants to meet with me and the wife. I asked "what is there to sit down and talk about except you giving us our car back and taking back your van?"
His tone was cool and measured.
"You obviously think enough of our service to buy two cars from us and come back for another."
(We've now bought four by the way, five if you include the third Trailblazer they fucked up on and currently show us as owning).
Then he said "And we'd like to do what we can, within reason, to work things out. Now, having said that, we need to have an understanding about equal responsibility as well."
(This doesn't sound like an apology for telling me how to spend my money and how much I, a paying customer and member of the GMAC family, can afford, but maybe that's what he wants to "sit down to talk about.")
Our move instead was to call GMAC corporate and have them call the GM since in 48 hours our car has been sold, found, lost, sold, found and sold again. I fully expect to be carjacked by Al-Queda bandits the next time I set foot on the property.
Stay tuned for updates as the situation warrants. And if it gets to us going tonight, WITH THE TWO KIDS, to "sit down and work this out," you can expect WAY more fireworks, including the hit "How can you write a sales contract on a car you've already sold to someone else, you ethics-less cocksucker?" and "Wait'll an independent arbitrator hears this story."
Back with more shortly, as I expect the GMAC-general manager phone call will produce yet another call from the smarmy head sales dick.