The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Friday, February 24, 2006
You know what they say about the best laid plans
After last weekend's wood floor snow angel effort and booty calls to our possibly ex-friend Andy, i had decided to take a month or two off from drinking.

Not really because of that, mind you. More for the simple fact that I'm convinced I could drop ten pounds in two months by doing what I'm doing now and simply not drinking. The simple math bears that out, although I'm not about to reveal that delicate equation here for you, my faceless readers.

Anyway, I was going along having a great time not drinking, even forgoing the usual after work, pre-dinner cold beer with the across the street in-laws.

But then I realized something.

Today is Heather's birthday.

That may not matter to you, but I don't want to be a stick in the mud for her birthday. Also, her peer pressure tactics are very convincing. She even thought of a better idea: quitting drinking in March.

"But not March 1st," she said. "That's uncle Todd's birthday. So maybe you should just plan on quitting the Monday AFTER the weekend following his birthday."

See? It's logic like that that leaves lesser men homeless and living in a refrigerator box. But I can handle it. I'll just plan on not having any more replays of Friday night. The local businessmen and their families simply don't need that during tax season...

Happy Friday everybody!!