The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
BBQ with Dads day at Lauren's school
Friday was BBQ with dads day at Lauren's school (like you missed that from the title or something). It was quite a good time.

I have found that the times I cherish most with the kids (and especially Lauren now that she's getting older) are the ones just like this, where I am sitting alone watching her in a crowd or just with a few people, and I find myself smiling ear to ear as I constantly roll thru feelings of pride, my love for her, my appreciation and love for my wife, and a huge sense of awe that she is from us.

(Sorry about the sappy intro, I'll just get to the pictures now).

Here are a few from the big party. Sorry you don't get to see me in my complimentary cowboy hat. That would have been fun for you I'm sure...

The parade of cuteness arrives in the cafetorium thingy. (The basketball goals are still there like it's a gymnasium, yet the floor is carpeted. Go figure...)

This is my urchin singing some churchy pre-school song. I don't remember it, but I was mesmerized by her performance nonetheless...

You might not know it, but if a song has some jumping in it, the kids really enjoy that alot. Except Eric, the bottom lip sucker to Lauren's left. He just wanted to stand and suck his lip. But he's cute and makes me laugh, so he gets a pass. He's 3, and he often wears button down sweaters and preschool. How funny is that?

And here is a little girl that's very happy that her daddy came to lunch. By the way, her day started by getting up a little before 6am and running into our room (I was already gone) and shouting "HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY MOMMY!!! IS IT LUNCHTIME YET?"

How great is that?
Blogger NineCats said...
She's a wonderful child, and you guys are doing a bag up job as parents!

Congratulations and keep at it!