The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday night...
So yesterday we switched urchin 2.0 to soy-based formula on her pediatrician's instructions in an effort to ease her evening / nightly discomfort that results in unGodly screaming from her. She's not been this way for the first 3.5 months, so this shocked us a bit.

The wife had a rough day yesterday, so upon my arrival home it was me, 2.0 and the baby bjorn for a little wander around time. It's funny how an 11 pound baby doesn't mind being held like a baby, but the 16 pounders of the world all want to be upright and facing outward, making it virtually impossible to carry them for any length of time.

Anyway, the wife got 2.0 to eat and at around 8:15pm, she put her to bed. We're starting to wonder if being in our room instead of hers until 10pm or so is causing some of the uber-tiredness we've seen. I mean, she sleeps on our bed so it's not like she's up or anything, yet she seemed to deal with this pretty well, so we shall see...

Last night saw the repeated return of the Ninja visit (about four times). Luckily, we were already up at 2:30 feeding Sophia, so instead of Ninja-sneaking up on me and scaring the shit out of me, I reversed the Ninja and opened our door just as Lauren was grabbing ghe knob. Her fear turned immediately into shoulder hunching, stomping disappointment as she was summarily ordered to return to her room.

Upon my returning to tuck her in there, she mentioned an old theme. You remember, the fire breathing dragons?"

Anyway, I got her tucked away and went back to bed to catch some sportscenter, and the Ninja attempted to storm the tower again. Once again, she was smote by the

This time, the wife dealt with her, what with Sophia having quickly finished her seven ounce bottle. Upon returning to Ninja Headquarters, 1.0 tried a different spin on an old theme.

"I'm scared of the red things again."

So the wife asks "In your eyes?"

"No," the Ninja replies. "In my stomach."

Bzzzzzz. Wrong answer. What does our stalling malady-inventing daughter win, Don Pardo?

Well TMLSB, she wins a one-night stay in her dark and sleep-ready bedroom. Then, she gets to get herself dressed, make her bed, have breakfast and go to school!!

Awesome prizes, Don.

Ninja-urchin, thanks for playing "Who can outlast the imaginitive stalling child?"

Anyway, about Sophia and the formula. Molly found that when she gets totally worked up and has already been fed, she holds her the old way (belly to belly with 2.0's head facing the right side), but she just holds her a little tighter, especially if 2.0's all stiff and resistant.

Suddenly, 2.0 was sleepy and comfy and relaxed, and in bed much earlier than usual.

We might have just stumbled upon her secret. And combined with our thwarting of the repeated ninja attacks, I think we're looking at a pretty top-shelf weekend.