The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Friday, March 31, 2006
Update on the ninja
To fill the back story a bit, after our recent frequent ninja attacks, the wife and I sort of formulated a plan and then she made it better once I was off the phone. We explained to 1.0 that if she needed to go to the bathroom at night, it was fine to get up and do that and go back to bed. If she was sick or not feeling well, she could come into our room. If she just woke up for no reason, she was free to read a book for a few minutes and then go back to sleep.

And if she did these things, she'd get to stay up ten extra minutes the next night.

Now, I know that doesn't seem like much, but when you're not even four yet, "stay up....later" is all you hear. She wouldn't know 10 seconds from 10 minutes from 10 hours. 10 of anything is her counting to 10 and saying "That was 10 (whatevers)."

Last night, about a half hour after 2.0's feeding at 2:30am, 1.0 was nose to nose with me. As soon as I opened my eyes, she held up a tissue and asked me to help her blow her nose, and then she bolted back to her room.

I headed down there with a smile on my face, helped her blow her nose several times, gave her some dimatapp (she's got either bad allergies or a cold, but I'm not letting some congestion foul up a great night's sleep), and put her back to bed.

I'm very proud of my over-worked and over-burdened wife. I'm proud of my narcoleptic and suddenly insomniacal daughter.

It's gonna be a good day.
Blogger Pugs said...
Love the layout of your blog, nice, pleasing to the eye, and easy to navigate...
Keep up the good work.

Blogger Ethel said...
Yes, TMLSB, you have a sweet layout. However did you become to revamp your blog? ;)