The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I have a question for you, my readers...
I have never been sure about this or what the protocol is, but I was wondering about blog comments by readers and responding to them.

When you respond to a blog, do you expect a response from me (or any other person that writes these things?) I'm serious here. I think about it when I read them and my instinct is to reply to them, but they aren't valid email addresses, so I can't.

So the question is, when you leave comments on my blog, is it right for me to reply or more correctly, is it wrong for me not to reply?

I'll be eagerly awaiting your replies.

Blogger NineCats said...
For me it depends on my comment. Most of the time I don't look for a response. There are exceptions though.

Blogger TMLSB said...
thanks dude. ambiguous, but at least it's an answer.

Blogger Ethel said...
I don't really care about being acknowledged when I leave a comment.

But for me, on my blog, I have been trying to make an effort to acknowledge new visitors who are finding my site through the traffic sites. You know what it's like when you surf along for credits. Lame blog, click, lame blog, click, lame blog, cl-wait! that was a good one! dammit, where'd it go???

So if one of those folks likes my blog enough to leave a comment, I want to either respond to it at my blog and thank them for their visit or go to their blog and leave a commment, or better yet, both.

But I'm a more considerate person than you are. :P :D ;)

Blogger LoraLoo said...
I got your reply in my mailbox this morning to my comment, and I thought that was very cool. But I know we all don't always get time to do that. I try to post a comment to my comments to get every one at once.

Blogger Taz said...
I don't expect a comment back. If you comment on my comment that's cool and if you don't that's cool too.
But...if my comment is extremely witty or funny I want to be acknowledged for being a genius. ::giggle::

Blogger Lauren said...
I never mind getting replies from anyone, but I don't ever expect that people will reply to me.

Blogger Staci said...
I was going to say IDGAF, but then I got to thinking and Ethel always acknowledges my comments and I like that. So I'm going to say, yes, you should acknowledge the comments. But you know what? It's your blog. Do whatever you want.
