The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Friday, April 28, 2006
Just a few more
This is nephew 2.0 trying to win a bet with his dad. UnkTodd bet 2.0 five bucks that he couldn't get five balloons stuck to his face and head using static electricity. Finding quickly that it wouldn't work but desperate for the fin, the nephew resorted to illicit tactics: SCOTCH TAPE!!

Here's one I took for Ethel and forgot to send her. I saw this while she was deep in the throws of passion with her hobby of knitting. I figured that this would get her all hot and bothered, kind of like an obscene phone call:

Here's one I forgot about of me post op on a respirator:

Now that 1.0 is very efficient with her coloring and using scissors, she's resorting to making her own superhero costumes. Here's the custom mask:

And finally, in case some of you forgot, here's the reminder of my true brilliance. Do you think that MENSA will accept a screenshot as myapplication? (chuckle)
Blogger Ethel said...
Crochet. I crochet, you dork. :P

(moment of seriousness) That respirator picture is pretty sobering. With your recovery and health since, it's easy to forget how much y'all went through in such a short time. I'm glad everything has worked out for you guys.
(moment of seriousness over)
Let me remind you that you are no more brilliant than Ethel.