The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Friday, April 28, 2006
More phone photo fun
I just re-read that title and thought of how funny that would have been if Thylvethter was thaying the linethhh...

Anyway, here are some more pictures:

Here's our little chunk in her new tub seat

Here's 2.0 right after she took a shit in the sales manager's office at our car dealership during the testy negotiations. It took all the willpower I could must not to hide that diaper somewhere in the office so it'd stink the place up and be tough to find.

Here's one of my nephew with the 1,000 yard stare while enjoying Spongebob the movie in the car.

I have always wondered how kids breathe when they fall asleep like this:

And here's one of me hauling the little oinker around in that swedish S&M device, the baby Bjorn. (wish I cared enough to find the umlaut, but I don't).