We hit the Harbourtown Lighthouse yesterday, which is what every person that comes to this island is supposed to do. Here's a shot from the webcam on the roof:

Our trip to the Harbour was our second of the week, but the first one that I had any real recollection of, since I was poisoned two days earlier at the same location. (see Day 4 blog).
I took a bunch of yacht pictures from both ground level and from atop the lighthouse and I hope they turned out okay. I will be gathering those later today and hope to cull the terrible from the just bad.
After that it was off to the photographer to review the pictures we had taken the night before behind the hotel. All I can say is that despite the appearance of the male subject matter (me), the pictures turned out great. I have always wanted to have family pictures around the house and these will fill that bill perfectly. We should have them in about a month and I will throw some out here then.
We had to bid a melancholy adieu to Nana and Mr. Bill who, despite succumbing to our pressures and staying an extra day, could stay no longer. Lauren was sad that her Nana and Mr. Bill had to go, as were we all.
After the first of what I expect will be several weepy moments as our vacation week comes to an end, we headed for the pool directly behind our building. For the first time this week it was not frozen, so I was able to endeavor into it and chase 1Doh and some other pool orphans around in the water.
We decided to take in a semi-early dinner at Harbourtown's Crabby Crab, so we hit the Harbourtown area for the third time in three days. We decided to call CampCashion and see if they wanted to join us, which of course they did.
By the time all parties arrived and out table for 13 was ready, I had found plenty of time to wander the marina again and hopefully take some sweet near-sunset pictures which I also hope turned out.
We had a great though crazy-hectic dinner with the CC's that included five kids and three under two years of age. At 8pm or so, those kids get a little jumpy due to lack of sleep. I had a good but far smaller dinner than I had the night before, and thanks to some Marriott coupons, our dinner was only $34!!!
Then it was outside so the kids could dance to one of the many outdoor accoustic guitar guys, and these kids were dancing like a bunch of Phish fans, which was hilarious to see. Took a few more pictures and headed back to the Tae Kwon Do.
1Doh was so exhausted we didn't even bother getting her out of her Hilton Head t-shirt (which she showed and "read" to about 100 people yesterday by saying "This says Hilton Head!!"). 2Doh was also spent and that left the wife and I a few quiet minutes to catch the last ten minutes of "The Office" and then "ER."
Except the wife fell asleep about seven minutes into ER (which I told her she would) and I fell asleep about ten minutes later. There's nothing more romantic on vacation that two folks beer snoring on seperate sofas.
Today should be swimming, Sand Dollar painting, and hopefully some picture editing and posting.
Shalom everybody. More to come...