The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Ladies and Gentlemen!!!
If I could interrupt your pre-flight chatter and direct your attention to the left side of the aircraft, you'll notice a "rent my blog" thingamadoogie that is now occupied by a little picture of the gosh-darndest blog out there...especially for a chick.

Ethel is one heck of a blogger as you'll soon see. I only hope she's saved some of her really wicked or funny ones that will be on par with the 20 year old jello and the penny blog.

Thanks for signing up, Ethel. Maybe a week from Sunday you'll explain to me how this whole thing works....

: thumb :
Blogger Ethel said...
Nice. :thumb:

I figured:
a. You'd actually have to talk about me.
b. You might not be blogging much on vacation, therefore, might as well save someone else from getting little or no mention ;)

You got something against chicks?

Blogger TMLSB said...
i was kidding. I love chicks. Hell, if I didn't know better, I'd swear I was a lesbian. : )