I have had, at various times over the past few days, had several ideas for entries here. The trouble is, we're so damned busy at work and at home that we can't seem to find 30 minutes to just talk to one another. And when we do find a few minutes, we find ourselves falling asleep.
If you don't believe me, as one of us what happened during the last 15 minutes of LOST last night.
Anyway, to make a break from all of that craziness, I got some pictures from my phone and GBD's phone, and I figured I could just post those.
All in favor?
All opposed?
Well tough shit. I'm posting them anyway.
Here are a couple of 1.0 standing near the "Fresh and Hot" sign at Krispy Kreme. Notice she's enjoying a doughnut whilst watching the doughnuts being made. That's my kind of multi-tasking.
On her birthday morning we went to Waffle House. But 1.0 couldn't wait for us to get a table, so she hustled over and sat with UnkTodd and Jack and just assumed that they would order and buy her breakfast.
They did.
And this is just an awesome picture that demonstrates what thin hair on a warm dry day can do.