The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Monday, May 22, 2006
Sunday night / Monday morning
urchins both slept great last night, and I decided to forego working out in favor of sleeping until 7:30am. ODO (one dot oh) slept until nearly 8:30 this morning which is astounding considering where we are and what's just outside of our door.

Last night we went to The Salty Dog and met CampCashion and family for cocktails. Then we managed to call a couple of friends so they could see us on the Salty Dog Webcam, including showing my boobies to one friend outside of Boston. Here are a couple of shots from said webcam courtesy of Ethel:

photo one

photo two

I love being drunk on vacation.

Anyway, we had a couple of pops on the deck and then went in for dinner which was good, but my yellowfin tuna was WAY overdone, and that always irritates me for $21.95 a plate.

We came home and watched some sportscenter, relaxed, and hit the hay about 10:30, but not before another VERY relaxing jacuzzi soak. Man, I gotta get me one of them at Casa de TMLSB.

Today we got the kids up and out about 9:15 or so and hit the indoor pool since the outdoor ones are still too cold in the morning. ODO ran out of gas around 10:30am so we came home and got lunch and showered and ready for a trip to Tangers for shopping.

Shit do I love vacations.

More familial boredom to come!!
Blogger Ethel said...
I'm not sure if I should be sad or happy that I missed the boobie flash.

I think happy. :thumb: