The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Tuesday Twelve (belated)
This week's Tuesday Twelve is brought to you by Boudreaux's Butt Paste.

Twelve excuses urchin 1.0 gives me for getting up 100 times in the middle of the night and bugging the shit out of me:

1) Had a bad dweam about fire bweaving dwagons.
2) I have to go potty.
3) My pull-up is wet.
4) I want to sleep wiff you guys.
5) I wanna watch MY shows.
6) I'm firsty.
7) I'm hungry.
8) I have a headache.
9) My stomach is telling me it's hungry.
10) I want to look at Sophia.
11) I heard a sound.
12) I'm gonna miss you daddy when you are at work.

I wonder what excuse she'll use tonight?

Blogger Taz said...
"12) I'm gonna miss you daddy when you are at work."

This is TOO sweet..altho just another excuse, it's sweet :o)

Blogger Staci said...
Your crapping up their back posts and these blogs are not encouraging me to start a family.

:-) Kidding. I have to blame someone and mabye that someone can be you.