Tomorrow at approximately 8am the TMLSB clan loads and exfiltrates to the great state of South Cackalackee for a Saturday to Saturday Hilton Head Island Vacation Extravaganza.
Last time we went on vacation, there were only two of us and we were ten years younger than we are now, which meant that we flew to our destination and when we left Boston, there was far less beer left than when we arrived.
Now, we are parents of two girls (ages four and point five), we own a minivan and we are "driving the clan across country" like Clark W. Griswold.
I am happy to announce that in just the last week, 1.0 has learned to:
a) ask "are we almost to (insert destination name) yet?
b) whistle one note OVER AND OVER AND OVER.
c) open the storage space on the back of the driver's seat by kicking it over and over again.
My brother in law says that vacations don't start when you get where you're going. They start when you leave home. So I'm wondering why six hours in the car could possibly be annoying?
More to come as the day and week warrant. But be warned, we are not going low-tech on this vacation. The resort has wireless all over the grounds so we're both taking laptops with us. Further, I will have my new Crackberry with me, so even if the hotel falls into the ocean, I can still send and receive emails, post blog entries, and chat. How awesomely dorky is that?
(I thought my Grandfather was the only person who said South Cackalackee. I thought he made it up and was crazy)
Are we there yet?
Also, get rid of word verification. It displeases me.