Today the wife had to take the kids for their four year and six month checkups respectively. I didn't envy her at all. I think 1Doh knew in her heart of hearts that she was in for a shot, and she KNEW 2Doh was, so there had to be some tension in the minivan.
GBD upsold the event by telling 1Doh that because she was big and four years old, she got to pee in a cup today. I don't understand why she (or any kid) would give a shit about that, but apparently they do.
Here are a couple of camera phone pictures from the visit:

Oh, and just an FYI. We (against better judgement) stayed up until midnight to watch "For Love of The Game" last night, and 2Doh promptly needed feeding at 12:30am, then needed a pacifier at about 1:30am, then 1Doh came in for a ninja visit (sold to me as "daddy, I can't find Piggy!" complete with sticking out lower lip.
Then there were two more pacifier trips followed by a 4:30am feeding.
Shit am I tired...