The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
It's here!! It's here!!
The new Nikon D50 and all of its accessories arrived yesterday. But I had to charge it and do a bit of housecleaning before I could play with it. The camera, that is, you pervs.

Anyway, once the cleaning was done and the girls were in bed, I started unpacking all of the stuff: cases, lenses, the body, memory card, etc. I finally got it together and the software installed (that part took nearly an hour), and then I said to myself "NOW what do I do?"

I felt very similar to how I felt after GBD and I got 1Doh strapped into the carseat and took her home. What now?

I'll tell you what now? I brought the manual with me to work to read at lunch (dork that I am). I was already scared on Page 2: Getting to know the camera, with all of its 847 identifiable pieces and parts just on the outside of the camera.

I took a few stupid test shots in our room (after the wife wouldn't fall for the 'Let's take some artsy pictures of you without your top,") and then I worked on the enhancing program and the importing program.

My hope is that tonight when I get home, I can shoot a bunch of the girls and some other stuff to see how that goes. Then I'll go back and re-configure the enhancement program to better organize how I want the photos managed. And finally, I will hopefully upload my first new camera shots to Flickr.

But if that all fails, expect to see a VERY up close picture of my ass...
Blogger Lauren said...
Post some pics!! :) I want to see what you are doing with this fancy new camera.