And I know it's been painful for those of you that simply cannot start your day without reading my observations, rantings, and general musings about life, love, sports, or whatever else may catch my attention.
We had a great weekend this weekend. Friday night, which is usually steak night, was replaced by Cooley's Pizza night since UnkTodd and the Queen had a touchdown club meeting at their house. Although the Queen assured us that it would only last an hour, we knew better. And we were right.
On the upside, with the girls in bed and sleeping and no one around, that gave the wife some quality time to work on her new messageboard (I'm very proud of her for this by the way). While she was doing that, I headed over to Casa de Unk n' Queen to nibble on some leftover appetizers, have a couple of beers, and see what was what.
I met the new North Gwinnett head football coach and a couple of his assistants, and they really seem like sharp guys. If we can get a coach to stay longer than nine months now, the team and the school might be on to something.
That evening also provided some excitement when my young nephew literally stumbled across a baby snake (about a foot long) right by the steps leading to their front porch. As soon as I saw it, I knew it was poisonous (diamond shaped head about thrice as wide as his skinny assed body).
Unk Todd was summoned and did what any good dad would do: He hacked it up with a shovel.
(It was later investigated via google and found to be a copperhead, which even at that size could injure or kill a dog or small children, of which I have two).
Saturday started with a lawn mowing, a good watering in accordance with our county's odd-even watering restriction, and 1Doh's soccer practice. Good times all around.
We wallowed the mid-day away until it was time for USA-Italia in the World Cup, and then it was time for cold beers and nationalism. Team USA got royally fucked by the officials but managed a tie despite being short-handed. (The Yanks need a win and a 3-goal margin against Ghana Thursday to have any hope of making it out of group play).
Just a sidenote here. I've always loved soccer. I played for years and years and I've always been a vocal proponent of the sport. This year however, the World Cup has drawn me in 200%. I'm checking scores every day online, talking about it at work, and even chatting on messageboards about it. If only they'd have it every two years like golf's Ryder Cup. Then we'd REALLY see interest start to grow.
After the match (or most of it), it was off to Town Center Park for the opening and dedication of the new kick-ass fountain. Here are some interesting facts about our fancy new fountain:
Suwanee’s Interactive Fountain
By the Numbers
The design of Suwanee’s interactive fountain, which will be the largest in Gwinnett County, mimics the elliptical design of Town Center Park. A center jet is circled by 12 individual pop jets. Two sets of three abbreviated elliptical rings extend on either side.
150 by 100 feet
Area of the fountain
Nearly 1 mile
Length of pipe used
Gallons of water to be sprayed and recycled per minute
20 feet
Maximum height water can be shot up from center jet;
height for other jets ranges from 4-12 feet
Horsepower contained in water pump
Square footage of brick used
Funds raised for fountain by the community through the Better Parks Campaign
Number of youthful squeals to be heard over the course of the fountain’s first summer
Anyway, there was a big day planned with many of those moonwalk type jumpin' thangs (as they called them in Auburn), food and drink and live music. they didn't start selling beer until about 5:30, but that didn't bother us since we smuggled some in, being the creative deviants that we are.
While there, we ran into the parents of the kids who participated in Dueling PeePees last weekend and I, without any consultation with the wife, blurted out "Hey!!! We're grilling out tonight. Why don't you guys grab something to cook and come over for a while?" Aren't I awesome when I've had a couple of pops?
Oh, I have to interject with the white trash moment of the day. On the way back to the car we were walking thru a townhome-like development thingy that was mostly sold out, but there were a few new units that were still on the market.
There had been so much buzz about these things when the neighborhood opened that I decided to pop in for a quick look around to see what they were like.
The first floor (garage level) was pretty cool and the water system in the house was awesome. There was a turnkey system where each faucet and water source for everywhere in the house was labeled, and there was no copper at all. I had never seen such a thing before.
Floor two was the front of the home's main floor with a den, kitchen, and "DADDY!!! I GOTTA GO PEE!!!!"
We were too far away to think about getting back to the park and I recognized the look on 1Doh's face and the accompanying peepee dance. I had about ten seconds to make something happen or there was gonna be an assident.
So I hustled her into the main floor bathroom and lifted the seat and HOLY SHIT!!! WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!
Apparently someone else had come in here to relieve themselves of a similar but more solid load, and it had apparently been done while Clinton was still in office.
So now I've got a 4 year old, pants around her ankles and she's doing the Level 10 peepee dance which now involves more than a little panic on both of our parts. If I get her to the car and she's had an accident, that's gonna be my fault and the wife's not gonna like it.
So, on the advice of present counsel, I picked 1Doh up and hung her ass in the bathroom sink.
Oh, and after all of this I had to go pretty badly as well, so I peed in there too. I dumped my beer down the drain hoping to help a little.
Sorry potential owners of said unit. It couldn't be helped.
Anyway, since Father's Day weekend was now in full effect, we (me, UnkTodd, Russ, Mark, and a nephew) hit the horseshoe pit for some good old country entertainment.
We had some sweet ribeyes and taters and then Stephen and Amanda came down to join in on our spontaneous frivolity. God bless suburbia.
Sunday saw a trip to Shiloh to replenish my charcoal supply and also saw a pleasant surprise:
two hidden pallets of 22-pound bags. I had no idea they were there and they're not fundamentally different than the 11-pounders, but I just like the big bags for some reason. As a matter of fact, I may just save those for myself.
Then, upon my return, it was off to Wal-Mart for foodstuffs for our Father's Day feast and various other necessities and niceties. (That last word looks like nice titties if you glance at it. Or maybe that's just me).
Home from Brazil v. Australia at noon and then the Cup race at Michigan, although I only watched about 10-15 laps. I haven't watched an entire race this year yet, and I really don't care. There are really no compelling storylines, and if your big news is who's going where next year, I don't give a shit.
(Oh, we also got our huge portraits back from the photographer in Hilton Head and they look awesome. Now we just have to get them framed and quick. I suspect Saturday morning will see us at the framer's store for some quotes).
Sunday afternoon and evening saw me abandoning all parental obligations for the second Sunday in a row (thanks Father's Day) to play horseshoes, drink some beers and just screw off with the neighbors. Oh, and my day ended with just me and 1Doh taking a hot pool at UnkTodd's before bed which was divinely relaxing.
My wife's a saint and I can't thank her enough for a wonderful Father's Day weekend.
Which reminds me of something that I want to go over before I close. The three days that mattered to ME in the past were our anniversary, my birthday and Christmas. (The last one for primarily materialistic reasons I assure you).
But for some reason, this year's Father's Day was completely different for me. I was looking forward to it for weeks and really thought about it and what it meant to be a father. I think, after everything we've been thru in the past seven months, I truly realized how fragile life is and how quickly things can change and be taken away from you, and I think I really appreciated what it meant to be a father and how much joy it's brought to my life.
Sure, there have been plenty of challenges along the way, and they continue even as of this writing. But I wouldn't change anything about my marriage or the two sweet little girls that are just getting up at my house as we speak. As I've said before, one of my favorite things to do when putting 1Doh to bed is tell her that I love her and that she's my favorite Lauren, and she replies "I love you too, and you're my favorite daddy in the whole world."
You just can't put a price on that.
You just can't put a price on that."
:o) I'm so glad you 'get' it. Being a parent is so great. I think you're a very cool Dad. Happy belated Dad's Day.