Yesterday I was driving back to work from a delivery and I glanced to my right off of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, and I saw an all-red billboard that had three words in white typeface in the top left-hand corner. The billboard said:
My Boogers Itch.
That's it. My Boogers Itch. I snickered and then snickered some more and wondered aloud "Who the fuck is responsible for THAT? I mean, what is that advertising exactly?"
So I got back to work and called MadSapper to tell him about it and wondered aloud what it could be for?
He said "Well, Google says....." which brought the following thought to me:
"God dammit. I, an IT professional, just called a Project Manager to have him Google something for him like I'm one of those 'I'm not a computer person' people."
Anyway, Google said it was part of a series of billboards that are promoting some new Cartoon Network shows.
The accompanying billboards say "I Pooted," "I'm a Hot toe picker," and "Clowns Hate Tangelos."
I don't even really watch The Cartoon Network, but I may now. That's the kind of marketing campaign I can get behind.
Thanks for visiting my blog--I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Believe it or not, I put a lot of work into it (it still sucks because I've only been blogging for a couple months...good things to come once I figure out HTML).
As for Adult Swim, the show "The Boondocks" keeps me laughing.