Well yesterday was good but finished on a not particularly high note. When I got home yesterday, there were several tasks of equally high importance that had to be completed. They were as follows:
- Find the Nikon 18-55mm lens that was to be returned RMA since it is a duplicate of a lens I already have instead of the 22-70mm lens it was supposed to be.
- Locate the Nikon battery charger.
- Find my family crest ring that was misplaced sometime during the evening on Saturday after we arrived home from Casa de BIL across the street.
- Fold approximately eleven jumbo sized loads of laundry.
- Locate my new voter registration card
I know that last one sounds absurd, but we've been swamped lately and quite frankly, GBD absolutely abhors folding laundry. I'm pretty sure she'd rather service me daily than think about folding laundry, so I told her that I would fold if she would have it washed and in our room instead of stacked to the ceiling in the laundry room.
How bad was the laundry pile? There were two of my bathing suits in it, and we haven't been to the pool in three weeks. YIKES!!
Oh, and I also had to workout so as to stay on pace and get back into the swing of my evening workout regimen so I can knock off the last 11 pounds that will bring me to a BMI of 24.8 and within the "Average" range.
Oh, and we had an air conditioner repairman scheduled to come by between 4pm and 6pm since for some reason recently, we have been unable to keep the house below 80 degrees.
First off, the lens was located in my office, and I immediately decided that a cleanup was in order since I could probably lose one if the kids in there. The Man Room / My office has turned into the nook where everyone throws shit they don't want out right now, but it makes my secret space look like a flop house for crackheads.
Next up was the charger, which was in a kitchen drawer all along, but well hidden under a few pot-holders. (Nice searching on my part).
The ring upset me pretty bad as it was an anniversary present from GBD from many years ago, and it is, without question, my most cherished gift from her. I searched every sofa, chair, and bed as well as under all of the aforementioned furniture. I looked under cabinets, in coolers, at the BIL's house (twice), in Chewy's car, and even searched the laundry basket and every pocket (or so I thought) of every item of clothing in it.
After not finding it (again), I began to feel despondent. Then, GBD marches upstairs, is gone 10 minutes and comes back down with my ring. It was in the lower right pocket of the cargo shorts I wore Saturday. Apparently the only pocket I didn't search was that one.
So the day was looking up now. The AC guy found the primary problem (dirt building on the outside units and low freon) and fixed both issues for $387. He did inform us that the upstairs coil was leaking and that unfortunately it couldn't be fixed since no one made 10 SEER units anymore.
A replacement unit will run around $2,500 installed, so I guess I know what TMSB project Spring 2007 will be.
But right now it's all good. The vents are reading 55 degrees when on, meaning a differential of 25 degrees, which is awesome. The repair dude said he just hoped it made it through this year and we'd do what we have to before next summer rolls around. Time to start getting quotes.
I did 4.25 miles last night and feel much better, although my weight doesn't quite reflect it. I got back up to 211 this weekend, which meant I gained 6 pounds in two days, which I find absurd. I think it's probably water, but it could be beer too. Gotta lay off that stuff for a while.
After my workout at 9:05pm, I started folding and didn't finish until nearly 10:30pm, and that's when the itching started again. Not on my legs and arms like last time, but my face, neck and chest were killing me. I finally took some liquid benadryl and used some benadryl spray on them around 11pm and by around midnight I was able to get to sleep. I feel an OCEAN better than yesterday, the pending AC / Furnace replacement bill notwithstanding. Hopefully it won't happen today, otherwise we're gonna have to start eliminating options like rewashing all clothes in different detergent or something.
After her first dry night all the way thru on Sunday night, 1Doh had a small misfire this morning, but thankfully we have two sets of the dry sheets and since I wasn't using a set at the time, the backup set was ready to put on her bed in a few seconds. Hopefully this will end somewhat quickly and she'll be pretty reliable about not peeing in bed before long.
Today's election day in Georgia and elsewhere, and since I located my card (thanks GBD), I'll be stopping to vote on the way home. I won't say who I am voting for, but I am NOT voting for Mark "Big Guy" Taylor or Ralph Reed. Douchebags, both of them, as far as I'm concerned.
I was not shocked to hear that low turnouts are expected, but I was surprised at the reason:
The Heat.
Apparently it's just too fucking hot to vote.
Can someone explain to me why this is the case? The room where you vote is air conditioned. It's not like waiting in line for Stones Tickets at the venue. A nice senior citizen will lead you inside and you can stand amidst the modern comfort of central air waiting for your turn to show your gas bill or some linens N' Things coupon as your proof of identification. What's so tough about that? I wish this country handed out $100 fines to every person over 18 that didn't vote. Talk about a good cash generator.
I'm also happy to see Israel kicking some ass finally and Bush and Blair supporting the effort and blaming the folks responsible. Hezbollah and the governments of Lebanon and Syria and Iran that are state sponsors of these terrorist pricks. If Israel threw a nuke out there, I wouldn't care at all. The time for passive aggressiveness is over, and it's time to right a 27 year old wrong in Iran, and maybe THAT would let Syria, Lebanon and the rest of these fuckers know that we were serious about putting an end to this sociopathic behavior.
Wow. This entry went from folding laundry to world politics. How amazing is that?
One more thing. I don't care if Bush said "shit" over a hot mic on semi-live television. I don't even really care that Fox bleeped it but CNN didn't. I am curious if Bush or the White House will have a huge fine levied against them by the FCC since cuss words over the airwaves apparently hurt and / or kill children and baby kittens.
Shalom for now everybody. Hopefully I'll get some new pictures up tonight, including Saturday's white trash entertainment that saw 1Doh and Nephew 2Doh slip and sliding in the yard wearing a trash bag. You know, to decrease friction and thusly increase speed and distance at the end of the run.