The Adventures of TMLSB
I'm a little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll
Monday, July 17, 2006
oh the humanity
Last night I was having trouble sleeping, which is odd because beers and Mexican food generally put me into a coma by 9pm.

Actually, I had no trouble falling asleep, but I started itching on my arms and chest sometime around midnight. Then it was my stomach, legs (upper and lower), as well as my feet, back, neck and face.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and got up around 2:30am to have a look. I could find no bug bite marks or anything like that, but I was clearly having an episode of some sort. i then went benadryl hunting in the kitch. I found the cream which, didn't work out well since applying it caused me to itch more since rubbing it on was kind of like scratching anyway. The wife came down and helped me find the liquid and ran me a bath of baking soda and water which is also supposed to help with hives and the likes.

So I got in the tub and CHRIST THIS IS COLD!! Turns out we had no hot water for some damn reason, so now I'm sitting in a tub of cold baking soda water waiting for the benadryl to kick in.

Oh, and then 2Doh got up for some food. Yay.

We watched dateline until around 3:30am when I finally fell asleep. My alarm went off at 5:10 like usual and GBD said "I don't want you leaving yet. Just stay in bed a while longer and we'll see where we're at with this."

I reluctantly agreed and went back to sleep...

UNTIL 8:30!!

My itching was gone but I was still in the clutches of a Benadryl fog which I fought enough to get to work by the crack of 10am.

A sidenote here. I now understand why so many people come to work late. It rules!! Getting here at 6:10am blows when you could roll in at 9:45am, go to lunch in two hours and then screw around and leave at 5pm. I may have to rethink my schedule.

Anyway, as of this writing I still feel a bit foggy in the brain which always irritates me. It feels like the back end of a percocet high. But hopefully I'll be 100% when I get home to:

1) help with the kids
2) fold laundry
3) find my camera lens to be returned
4) find my camera battery charger
5) find my ring that got lost in the house sometime saturday night
6) anything else that comes up.

Whew. I think I'm gonna go lay down under the conference room table.